After only 5 days Elk Grove City Hall has Coral Blossom apartment project roadside garbage removed
City Hall dispatched a clean-up crew to remove the garbage.
This morning, a crew dispatched by Elk Grove City Hall cleaned up roadside garbage at the future site of the Coral Blossom apartment complex (see video below). The crew from MCE Inc., a city contractor, removed volumes of garbage that accumulated at the site of the future affordable and supportive housing project on Elk Grove-Florin Road (see video below).
Last weekend, Elk Grove News posted a video showing the accumulation of garbage at the site of a controversial housing project. The Elk Grove-Florin site was the second choice for the project, which was moved from Old Town-Historic Downtown at the behest of Elk Grove Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen.
The mayor moved the project from Old Town after succumbing to pressure from a handful of residents. Even though Singh-Allen obliged the pressure campaign, her decision cost Elk Grove taxpayers over $10 million—with the meter is still running—from a fair housing lawsuit from the developer and the State of California.
Even though the city has reached its multi-million dollar settlement, construction on the Coral Blossom project has not started.