Text survey gauges Elk Grove City Council District 2, Sacramento County Board of Supervisors District 5 races

With ballots scheduled to be mailed in about two weeks, some campaigns or possible interest groups supporting a particular candidate are still fine-tuning their message or perhaps presenting unflattering information about a candidate. That was evident with a text survey appearing today in Elk Grove.
The survey was shared by an Elk Grove News reader and focused on two Elk Grove-based contests. Those contests are Elk Grove City Council District 2 and Sacramento County Board of Supervisors District 5.
While focusing on those two races, the survey also asked one question about Elk Grove’s Measure E. That measure would raise annual consumer sales taxes, disproportionately hurting low-income earners, by $23 million in perpetuity by imposing a new citywide sales tax.
While the questions about District 2 candidates Rod Brewer, Michelle Kile, and Felipe Martin were even-handed, the survey seemed to cast a favorable light for Republican Pat Hume, who is running against Democrat Jaclyn Moreno for the Board of Supervisors.
The survey highlighted three statements in a positive light on Hume’s plan to address homelessness. However, for Moreno, respondents were presented with one message that said she “has not done enough to control homelessness in Elk Grove parks.”
Interestingly, the survey said it was from Raleigh, North Carolina-based Public Policy Polling, which appears to have a Democratic clientele. One source close to the Hume campaign told EGN his group did not commission the survey.
Campaign managers and special interest groups that use these surveys to fine-tune messages are loath to acknowledge their polling activities until results are tabulated. Regardless, it will be worth monitoring the messaging created, especially in the Board of Supervisors race, as the clock winds down to November 8.
The entire survey can be seen the in the video.