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Maybe it was the razor-thin margin of victory in the 2022 election, or perhaps he genuinely wants to reach out to constituents. Regardless, District 5 Supervisor Pat Hume has communicated more since taking office a little more than a year ago on the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors than he
Current News
As part of their preparation for the 2025 budget year that will start on July 1, 2024, the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors commissioned a study to gauge residents’ attitudes. As part of establishing budget priorities, the supervisor heard a report on the study during their Tuesday, December 12 meeting.
Current News
At today’s Sacramento County Board of Supervisors regular meeting, the five-member body unanimously agreed to defer implementation of California Senate Bill 43 by one year. In October, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed the bill expanding involuntary mental commitments into law. The bill “expands the definition of ‘gravely disabled’ to also
Community News
During the Tuesday, October 17, 2023, Sacramento County Board of Supervisors meeting, criticism was directed at the supervisors. Two individuals criticized the elected officials for not respecting constituents’ comments. Among the criticisms was supervisors pay more attention to their mobile computing devices than to constituents’ remarks. Read more about this
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As they have several times this year, Service Employees International Union Local 2015 members attended the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors meeting pleading their case for improved pay and benefits for in-home supportive services (IHSS) workers. One of today’s speakers making the case for her members was SEIU Local
Community News
Sacramento County District 5 Supervisor Pat Hume has announced a series of community meetings in the coming weeks. The four meetings starting this Wednesday will focus on county roads and transportation issues. Interestingly during the recent multi-jurisdictional Sacramento Transporation Authority meeting, board members, including Hume, discussed a possible sales tax
Community News
Current News
Even though no elections are in the immediate future for any jurisdiction in Sacramento County, a targeted mailer is taking their case for improved wages for in-home caregivers. The Service Employers International Union Local 2015 mailer has been distributed recently. An informal survey finds the mailer was sent to registered
Current News
Readers of the site undoubtedly note the frequent criticism of elected officials. Although these elected officials are loath to admit it, the criticism they receive is typically based on their words, actions, or policy decisions. However, now and then, an elected official inadvertently tells the truth. Sometimes when they speak
Community News
A recent visit to the Sacramento County Administration Building on “H” Street revealed a new addition. According to lobby employees, all visitors and employees will pass through the metal detector and security checks. Undoubtedly the devices and security measures are meant to deter the introduction of firearms in the county