Our 14 Song UnValentines Day Playlist
Our culture warrants that the airs fill with romantic songs confessing our love on February 14. Of course, the other 364 days in the year are not nearly as romantic.
Our culture warrants that the airs fill with romantic songs confessing our love on February 14. Of course, the other 364 days in the year are not nearly as romantic.
Community News
Meetings and events this week in Elk Grove
Politics & Government
The city council had discussions about the naming of the unfunded $300 million zoo.
Community News
Families with children will be referred to a motel voucher program.
Law and Justice
The incident took place on a flight from South Korea to San Francisco.
Community News
Meetings and events in Elk Grove
Politics & Government
Elk Grove City manager Jason Behrmann also discussed a controversial taxpayer-guaranteed loan.
Politics & Government
Community News
Meetings and events this week in Elk Grove
Politics & Government
This was the last meeting for 2024.
2024 elections
Held tonight at Galt City Hall
Community News
Fun events in the city of Rancho Cordova