Moreno supporters on Hume – Dogs can ‘smell an anti-abortion, climate-denying Republican’

In the latest independent expenditure committee mailer in the volatile Sacramento County Board of Supervisors District 5 race, one candidate is called an anti-abortion, climate-denying Republican.
The mailer from a group supporting Jaclyn Moreno tagged her opponent, Pat Hume, with those labels. After saying dogs can sniff an anti-abortion, climate-denying candidate, it concludes by saying, “it was easy to sniff out Republican Pat Hume.”
Although a lifelong Republican, Hume has kept his party at arm’s length and has avoided mentioning party affiliation, the mailer notes the California Republican Assembly has endorsed him. Hume has refused to state his stance on reproductive rights but has said in Elk Grove City Council meeting that aspects of climate change are “voodoo science.”
The mailer also says a group opposing marriage equality supports him.
To emphasize their sniffing abilities, the mailer includes three dogs’ noses on one side of the mailer and a cute puppy on the other side. Hume has been photographed with a dog in several earlier mailers, and this mailer appears to be mocking this display of canine companionship.