More Money, Please! Sacramento Transportation Authority contemplating another multi-billion-dollar sales tax hike

If there is one thing that can be said about the ever-changing board membership of the Sacramento Transporation Authority (STA), their scheming to pickpocket Sacramento County taxpayers rivals only a vampire’s thirst for a blood meal.
During their August 10 meeting, the multi-jurisdictional STA discussed their benignly named “transportation funding subcommittee,” or committee seeking more money by imposing another regressive consumption sales tax in Sacramento County.
For those unfamiliar with the STA, they are responsible for allocating transportation funding in Sacramento County that comes from a variety of sources, including a county-wide one-half percent sales tax. That tax already collects one-half percent county-wide on most consumer purchases through 2039.
In 2016 and 2022, Sacramento County voters rejected nearly identical multi-billion decades-long sales tax hikes supported by the STA. A 2020 effort led by then STA chair and Elk Grove City Councilmember Darren Suen could not garner enough support to place it on the ballot.
We will monitor their activities in the coming months as their plans coagulate. Below are videos of their August 10 discussion – one contains the entire discussion and the other highlights.
Like a vampire on the prowl for another victim, the STA board members, including Elk Grove Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen and Vice Mayor Kevin Spease, are back. The only question is not if they will seek billions more of your dollars, it’s when.