Los Angeles Fires renamed for Big Oil corporations that caused them!
David Solnit has created a meme of the LA Fires renaming the fires with the names of the big oil companies that helped to create the dramatic climate change that world is seeing now.

Oil and gas companies knew as far back as 70 years ago that their product would lead to “catastrophic climate impacts,” including those now that we’re seeing in the devastating LA Fires, according to David Solnit, artist, activist and author.
“But instead of warning us, they spent billions of dollars to mislead the public and block climate action,” said Solnit. “The US Federal Government also knew and for the last 50 years largely sided with big oil. Now, we’re paying the price of extreme weather climate disasters as big oil continues to rake in record profits.”
So Solnit has created a meme of the LA Fires renaming the fires with the names of the big oil companies that helped to create the dramatic climate change that world is seeing now.
As of the morning of Jan. 12, the Palisades Fire in Pacific Palisades in LA County has burned 23,707 acres and is 11 percent contained. The Kenneth Fire in the West Hills Area of LA and Ventura Counties has burned 1,052 acres and is 100 percent contained. The Hurst Fire in the Sylmar Area of LA County has burned 799 acres and is 89 percent contained. Finally, the Eaton Fire In LA County has burned 14.117 acres and is 27 percent contained, according to CAL FIRE.
Solnit has renamed the Palisades Fire the Exxon Mobil Fire, the Kenneth Fire the Chevron Fire, the Hurst Fire the ConocoPhillips Fire and the Eaton Fire the Shell Fire.
“Most of the climate movement places the primary blame on big oil, but the Federal Government has (with the exception of the Jimmy Carter Administration) pushed for and subsidized fossil fuels for 50 years,” noted Solnit.
To learn more, you can read the book, “They Knew: The US Federal Government's Fifty-Year Role in Causing the Climate Crisis,” by James Speth, former Carter Administration Climate Advisor. He is also the expert witness on government response for Our Children’s Trust, according to Solnit.
You can also go to ExxonKnew.org and ClimateFiles.com.
Also on Jan. 12, Governor Gavin Newsom said in an interview with NBC’s ”Meet the Press” that the LA Fires will be one of the worst natural disasters in U.S. history: www.nbcnews.com/...
“I think it will be in terms of just the costs associated with it, in terms of the scale and scope,” Newsom said in an interview with Jacob Soboroff. “Currently we're getting confirmation from the coroners, so we always have to be careful on the death toll, but it's in the 13 range, and I've got search-and-rescue teams out. We've got cadaver dogs out. And there's likely to be a lot more.”
Update: Big Oil sponsors dinners and awards receptions for journalists
As the LA County Fires rage, one of the biggest and most censored stories of the past few years is the increasingly cozy relationship between the oil industry and journalists and journalist organizations in California.
In 2023 and 2024, the Western States Petroleum Association (WSPA), the largest and most powerful corporate lobbying group in California and the West, sponsored several dinners and awards receptions for journalists. This article will review those efforts by the oil industry to curry favor with journalists, as well as examples of collaboration between Big Media and Big Oil in previous years.
In one of the clearest examples of the collaboration between Big Oil and the media, the Western States Petroleum Association, the largest and most powerful oil industry lobbying group in California and the West, sponsored a “media dinner” on February 28, 2023, in Sacramento as part of #BizFedSactoDays.
The flyer for the event stated, “Journalists who play an outsize role in shaping narratives about state politics and holding lawmakers accountable will join business leaders to pull back the curtain on how they select and tell stories about California policies, policy and power.”
Featured speakers at the program included Colleen Nelson of the Sacramento Bee, Laurel Rosenhall of the Los Angeles Times, Kaitlyn Schallhorn of the Orange County Register and Dan Walters of Cal Matters.
In a tweet, Catherine Reheis-Boyd, President of the Western States Petroleum Association (WSPA) and former Chair of the Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) Initiative Blue Ribbon Task Force to create “marine protected areas” in Southern California, gushed:
“One of our favorite times of year is #BizFedSactoDays- when @BizFed helps amplify the presence and power of business in California. And we're honored to host the Media Dinner and featured media speakers! @DanCALmatters @LaurelRosenhall@ColleenMNelson @K_Schallhorn”
The Western States Petroleum Association sponsored the media dinner again this year on June 3, 2024 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the WSPA headquarters in Sacramento.
On X, formerly Twitter, @BizFed proudly proclaimed: “Journalists and business advocates. We have more in common than you might think. It all boils down to people and their stories. What a privilege to host guest journalists @conanNBCLA @davelesher @Elex_Michaelson, and @EytanWallace at our BizFed Media Dinner in Sacramento.”
WSPA, the largest and most powerful corporate lobbying group in Sacramento, describes itself as “non-profit trade association that represents companies that account for the bulk of petroleum exploration, production, refining, transportation and marketing in Arizona, California, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington.”
WSPA teams up with Sacramento Press Club on awards reception
The Sacramento Press Club has also teamed up with WSPA. On March 16, 2023, the Sacramento Press Club announced in a tweet that WSPA was the new “Lede Sponsor” of the Club's Journalism Awards Reception that was held on March 29: “Thank you to our new Lede Sponsor @officialWSPA! WSPA is dedicated to guaranteeing that every American has access to reliable energy options through socially, economically and environmentally responsible policies and regulations. Learn more more at http://wspa.org”
In response to this tweet, investigative journalist Aaron Cantu tweeted back on March 20, “As the recipient of @SacPressClub ’s environmental award last year, it’s concerning to see fossil fuel industry talking points passed off uncritically here. WSPA becoming lede sponsor happened in the context of a global PR turn as the climate crisis worsens.”
Unfortunately, Cantu is the only journalist other than me with the integrity to contest the sponsorship of the Sacramento Press Club’s Journalism Awards Reception by WSPA.
In 2024 the Western States Petroleum Association was again one of the “lede sponsors” of the Sacramento Press Club’s Annual Journalism Awards Reception on April 11. Sammy Roth of the Los Angeles Times won the “impact in journalism” award, while Doni Chamberlin of A News Cafe won the “courage in journalism” award. You can see the list of award winners here: sacpressclub.org/…
And this time, no other journalist than this one had the courage and integrity to criticize the sponsorship of a journalism awards reception by WSPA at a time of increasing collaboration between the media and the oil and gas industry.
The date and location for this year’s awards reception hasn’t been announced yet: sacpressclub.org/...
WSPA sponsors beat dinner for Society of Environmental Journalists
In addition to sponsoring journalism events in California, WSPA has expanded its campaign to influence journalists nationally. WSPA and the controversial waste management firm Veolia North America sponsored events at 2023’s Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ) conference in Boise, Idaho, according to a report from DeSmog: scq.io/...
“The agenda for the conference, which is being hosted in Boise, Idaho, shows that the Western States Petroleum Association (WSPA) and the waste management company Veolia North America are sponsoring two of the “beat dinners” hosted on Friday, April 21 — the third day of the event,” the article by Sam Bright reported.
Fortunately, WSPA and Veolia’s sponsorships of the SEJ conference spurred condemnation by at least one group, Fossil Free Media.
“There’s no excuse for these sorts of conflicts of interest,” Jamie Henn of the campaign and communications group Fossil Free Media told Bright. “By letting the fossil fuel industry sponsor events, groups like SEJ lend credibility to bad actors” that are attempting to “influence coverage and maintain their social license by pretending to be well-meaning supporters of the free press.”
For years, I have covered the capture of media outlets, journalists, politicians, regulators and environmental NGOs by the fossil fuel industry in California and the West.
‘Readers for Sale: The Media's Role in Climate Delay’
In 2023, it was good to see somebody else beside this journalist step up to the plate on a national and global level on exposing the increasing collaboration between Big Oil and media corporations.
Drilled and DeSmog, in collaboration with The Intercept and The Nation, released a startling report: Readers for Sale: The Media's Role in Climate Delay.
"As the business model for media has faltered, the fossil fuel industry has increasingly weaponized weaknesses to its benefit," the report begins.
The report, coming out as the COP28 climate summit continued to generate controversy, goes into detail on how much money some of the biggest media companies in the world are taking in from fossil fuel, and where exactly the money is being spent.
“Reuters is one of at least seven major news outlets that creates and publishes misleading promotional content for fossil fuel companies, according to a report released today. Known as advertorials or native advertising, the sponsored material is created to look like a publication’s authentic editorial work, lending a veneer of journalistic credibility to the fossil fuel industry’s key climate talking points,” wrote Amy Westervelt and Matthew Green in the Intercept on Dec. 5.
“In collaboration with The Intercept and The Nation, Drilled and DeSmog analyzed hundreds of advertorials and events, as well as ad data from MediaRadar. Our analysis focused on the three years spanning October 2020 to October 2023, when the public ramped up calls for media, public relations, and advertising companies to cut their commercial ties with fossil fuel clients amid growing awareness that the industry’s deceptive messaging was slowing climate action,” the authors wrote.
“All of the companies reviewed — Bloomberg, The Economist, The Financial Times, The New York Times, Politico, Reuters, and The Washington Post — top lists of most-trusted news outlets in both the U.S. and Europe. Each has an internal brand studio that creates advertising content for fossil fuel majors that range from podcasts to newsletters, videos, and advertorials, and some allow fossil fuel companies to sponsor their events. Reuters goes a step further, with marketing staff creating custom industry conferences explicitly designed to remove the ‘pain points’ holding back faster production of oil and gas.”
Read the Intercept article here: https://theintercept.com/2023/12/05/fossil-fuel-industry-media-company-advertising/
And view the full report here: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24183641-drilleddesmog_mediagreenwashingreport
You will rarely see deep reporting on Big Oil regulatory capture by journalists in the MSM and “alternative” media. The report by Drilled and DeSmog, in collaboration with the Intercept and The Nation, was very welcome news in a time of increasing collaboration between media and Big Oil.
LA Times and California Resources Association Team Up
There is no doubt that WSPA and Big Oil have for years worked closely with media outlets.
In 2015, I wrote this article about how the Los Angeles Times and the California Resources Corporation (formerly Occidental Petroleum) teamed up on a propaganda website: https://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/10/30/1442947/-LA-Times-and-Big-Oil-team-up-on-propaganda-website. Fortunately, the Times is no longer managing and running that website.
In another example of media collaboration with Big Oil, Catherine Reheis-Boyd, WSPA President, was on the "short list" of nominees for the LA Times "Inspirational Women Awards” held on October 18, 2022.
Can you guess who was one of the sponsors of the LA Times awards? Yes, you guessed right — WSPA was a sponsor.
According to a tweet from @OfficialWSPA, "Today @latimes acknowledged a woman who is already well known in our industry as a trailblazer and inspiration to tens of thousands of women. Congrats to our fearless leader @WSPAPrez for being recognized as a shortlisted nominee for the Inspirational Women Awards."
WSPA and the oil companies wield their power in 8 major ways: through (1) lobbying; (2) campaign spending; (3) serving on and putting shills on regulatory panels; (4) creating Astroturf groups; (5) working in collaboration with media; (6) sponsoring awards ceremonies and dinners, including those for legislators and journalists; (7) contributing to non profit organizations; and (8) creating alliances with labor unions, mainly construction trades.
Big Oil spent a record $31.4 million in 2024’s first 9 months
Big Oil has really outdone itself on lobbying expenses in California this year. The oil industry has spent a record $31.4 million in California lobbying efforts in the first 9 months of 2024 in an effort to fend off polluter accountability and anti-price gouging measures.
California’s 2024 third-quarter disclosures reveal that the oil and gas industry spent an unprecedented $16.1 million on lobbying and influence activities from July through September, according to a press statement from the Last Chance Alliance.
“This spending easily surpasses the previous annual record of $26.2 million set in 2017, with a full quarter of payments yet to be disclosed,” according to the Last Chance Alliance. “With a full quarter left—this year’s oil industry spending has reached new heights. Over the seven quarters of the current legislative session of 2023-2024, Big Oil has already invested $56.8 million in lobbying efforts, far exceeding the previous record of $44 million set during the 2017-2018 session.”
The Western States Petroleum Association (WSPA), Chevron, and Aera Energy—now merged into California Resources Corporation—collectively spent $14.5 million. WSPA topped the lobbying spending spree with an amazing $10,121,571. Chevron came in second in spending with $4,106,389, while Aera Energy came in third with $302,093.
We won't know the total of money spent on lobbying in 2024 until Feb. 1, 2025 when the data is available on the California Secretary of State’s website.
We do know that when so-called journalism organizations are tainted by the toxic stench of Big Oil money — and very few “environmental” and “climate” organizations have any problem with this — you know that we are in a really dark time in human history.