Fantastic movies about political campaigns – Here are 5 worth watching

The 2022 General Election campaign season is in full swing, so what better time to watch a movie about political campaigns. here are a few recommendations and where they can be streamed.
Warren Beatty stars as U.S. Senator Jay Bulworth, who has hired an assassin to kill him. Free from filtering his thoughts, Bullworth starts addressing his constituency groups, ranging from Jewish donors in Hollywood and church-going African Americans unfiltered. Along the way, he meets young activist Nina, played by Halle Berry, who accompanies Bulworth on his escapades.
A great satire about the state of American politics in the late 90s, where many of the issues are with us today.
Bulworth streaming links
Wag the Dog
When the President has a looming sex scandal, what better way to divert attention than to create a war? An incredible cast that includes a perfect performance by Dustin Hoffman as a full-of-himself Hollywood producer brought in to help manufacture the war. The cast includes Rober DeNiro, Willie Nelson, Ann Heche, and Woody Harrelson.
Wag the Dog streaming links
Primary Colors
A Southern Democratic Governor running for President who has a wandering eye and penchant for fast food, this is from the book Primary Colors, which was loosely based on Bill Clinton’s 1992 primary campaign. John Travolta is the candidate, and Emma Thompson is his tough-as-nails wife, who is the brains of the operations.
Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?
Primary Colors streaming links
Ides of March
While most campaign feature films focus on candidates, this movie sheds light on the behind-the-scenes political operatives who manage things. Ryan Gosling stars as a young, ambitious operative who is presented with difficult questions.
The movie also features George Clooney, who directed the film, and Paul Giamatti.
Ides of March streaming links
The Candidate
Robert Redford stars as a U.S. Senator Democratic candidate recruited as a sacrificial lamb against a popular three-term incumbent Republican. It is a fascinating portrayal of compromising ideals giving way in the pursuit of a respectable finish.
The movie’s last line is possibly the best of any political or campaign movie.
The Candidate streaming links
Napoleon Dynamite
What, Napoleon Dynamite, you say? Sure!
While most people who have seen this movie might focus on Napoleon and his off-beat family, let’s not forget the “Vote for Pedro” campaign.
The winner for high school class president, much like campaigns for Elk Grove Mayor or City Council, is usually determined solely by popularity. But not in Idaho after Napoleon helps Pedro chalk one up for the not-so-popular kids!
Napoleon Dynamite streaming links