Critic of Elk Grove Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen implies support for DeSantis, calls indictment of Trump ‘ridiculous’

A person who has doggedly criticized Elk Grove Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen and the Elk Grove Unified School District Board of Trustees recently posted a video where his political philosophies were more clearly explained.
Mr. Kirk Thomson has appeared at several meetings of both government agencies, primarily criticizing books he classified as pornographic and available at Elk Grove public school libraries. Thomson has criticized Singh-Allen for not using her self-proclaimed friendships with EGUSD Trustees to persuade them to remove the books from school libraries.
While Thomson has rarely spoken beyond these issues during his public comments, there were implied links between his comments on the books and those of politicians like Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who declared war against “wokeness.” Among the battles DeSantis has waged and won has been passing the so-called “Don’t Say Gay” bill and his battle with the Disney Corporation for their opposition to that legislation.
A recently posted 29-plus minute video on Thomson’s YouTube channel expanded on his political beliefs. While most of the video focused on his comments at recent city council and school board meetings, we have taken excerpts that clarify his political views.
Among the highlights are the following:
- On abortion access, “Have we changed enough hearts and minds to do what they have done in Florida and some other states?”
- DeSantis should do a sit-down interview with Tucker Carlson
- The more Trump gets indicted, the greater his prospects become
- Trump indictments are ridiculous
- DeSantis and his family look like JFK and his family
- Trump is getting indicted for “stuff that isn’t really a crime.”