Assemblymember Stephanie Nguyen seeking modification of mental health diversion law
In DA Thien Ho's description, the law has led to undesirable results.
During his January 8, 2025, State of Public Safety in Sacramento County address, Sacramento County District Attorney Thien Ho described several suspects statewide being released under the state's mental health diversion law.
In Ho's description, the law has led to undesirable results, including the release of suspects charged with attempted murder who went on to murder others. As district attorneys typically do, Mr. Ho is urging stricter restrictions on who can be released from custody based on mental health diversion.
Assisting the effort for more restrictions, California Assembly Member Stephanie Nguyen (D - Elk Grove) has again introduced legislation to tighten the law. Nguyen has introduced California Assembly Bill 46.
Introduced on December 2, the bill would add attempted murder charges ineligible for release on mental health diversion. As of today, the bill has not been scheduled for any Assembly Committee hearings.
See Nguyen's entire presentation in the video.